1969 Alfred deregisters as a Roman Catholic

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The glassworks continues to run well. Alfred, as usual, has a dispute with Schnichels every so often. :!: See Schnichels. He regularly attracts new customers so that he is not 100% dependent on Schnichels and would be out of work if the latter stopped giving orders. :!: See Wittig. His health slowly starts to deteriorate. He consults a specialist in nose, throat and ears who treats him for this. Although Alfred is always careful and tries to protect himself as much as possible, all sorts of ailments gradually appear. The precautions in those days were obviously of a different order than today. :!: See arts.

Roman Catholic

In Germany at that time it was registered which religion you adhered to. Alfred was Roman Catholic by birth but in 1969 he decided to deregister. He had had it.

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