
19.05.1954 Move from Grevenmacher to Nußbaumer Str.1 in Bergisch Gladbach

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The address of Bergisch Gladbach can be found in various letters. Did he use this address to create fog? In France, Luxembourg and in Euskirchen the address returns regularly. In his archives there is very little to be found of what he did there. What is certain is that he officially lived there after Grevenmacher and Bouxwiller. He also applied for an operating licence at that address, but nothing else can be found there, not even in his separate invoices. Whether he operated a glassworks there during that short period of time will be investigated further.

Even now, he is still busy with a thousand and one things. Placing annonces, looking for work, looking for investment opportunities, etc. Now that his wife has found peace with someone else and leaves Alfred alone, he continues to wonder why things could have gone so wrong. The fact that he only recently found out that his wife was consulting a charlatan and had the future predicted does not let him go. He writes a letter to his Hungarian friend Jan and tells his story. He wants to know who that charlatan is and because Jan's wife is also very superstitious, he asks if she might know who that woman is. He doesn't get an answer and sends the letter by registered mail this time, but he doesn't get an answer. If he had known who that charlatan was it would not have been her best day. He ends his letter to Jan as follows.:

'Lek mich am Arsch' which means as much as 'Kiss my ass' is an expression that they used a lot without this being regarded negatively or as swearing. He also bought a dog from an old worker and collected workers' applications.

19.05 Registration in the municipality.

29.05 Licence application for operation of glassworks in Bergisch Gladbach

26.05 Glasblower's ad in a newspaper.

03.06 Letter from Stroebel who has a dog for Alfred.

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